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AI-based Creative Platform 'COLLERY' Meets Creators

With AI technology, the drawings, web novels, and webtoon characters of single creators can be made more amusing and fresh.

  • 기사입력 2022.09.16 14:19
  • 기자명 Nyun Seon

NESTYLE, Inc. introduces Collery, a content creation platform for single creators based on artificial intelligence (AI). Since most of the contents are created by single creators, we launch Collery service to support creators’ community and help them spread their contents through the platform.

NESTYLE is a startup established with experts in artificial intelligence and block chain technology, led by Korea University and KAIST's lab, and is concentrating on commercializing the content business.

Lee Yong-Kyun, CEO of NESTYLE, said, “AI technology can inspire creators and easily support their creative activities. Using blockchain technology to prove the copyrights of amateur writers while allowing AI to play the role of assistant writers for creators We even support the certificate issuance service as a means to do this.” He also announced that the service will support the issuance of certificates as a service provider, helping creators' rights and creative activities, and even supporting activities that generate profits through the transaction of creative works."

In addition, the service will be extended in the future so that metaverse creators can easily create various contents through the service.

The three creative contents NESTYLE currently provides are ▲ AI drawings ▲ AI web novels ▲ AI webtoon characters.

The AI ​​drawing support tool is configured to inspire the artist to input a photo or drawing image, transform it into a new style or pattern, or create a whole new picture altogether.

The AI ​​web novel support tool provides a function to create a story by genre, recommending and analyzing characters, useful for writers who need to write 4,000 to 5,000 words of web novels every day or amateur writers who are new to web novels.

The AI ​​webtoon character support tool will provide a function that allows webtoon writers to create characters with various facial expressions and postures by inputting characters, or create their own characters for beginners and a character coloring function.

In addition, it guarantees that the copyright of all creation results belongs to the creators who are also users of the service, providing incentives for many authors to participate. Each service will also be provided as an enterprise API.

Recently, NESTYLE provided AI Art Generation technology to the “KB NFT Pilot,” which was introduced as a pilot service for employees at KB Kookmin Bank, and was selected for the Metaverse Global Advancement Support Project hosted by NIPA and will participate in the Japan XR Exhibition in October 2022.

NESTYLE has recently succeeded in attracting Series A investment from the Korea Technology Finance Corporation and several investors, and is leading the position as a platform for IP content creation, exhibition, and trading. We have signed an MOU and are continuing our practical activities. In addition, NESTYLE opens the door to relevant platforms, communities and a number of universities and provide more useful and valuable services to creators.

/ Nyun Seon ngsun@fortunekorea.co.kr

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